Source code for museopheno.datasets

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# @author:  Nicolas Karasiak
# @site:
# @git:
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The :mod:`museopheno.datasets` module gathers available datasets for testing

import os
__pathFile = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

[docs]def Sentinel2_3a_2018(return_dates=False, return_random_sample=False): """ Sentinel2 sample dataset on Bouconne Forest (France, near Toulouse). Bands are ordered this way : '2','3','4','8','5','6','7','8','8A','11','12'. Parameters ----------- return_dates : bool, default False If True, will return list of dates. return_random_sample : bool, default False If False, will return the path of the raster If True, will return a random block of the image Returns ------- raster : str or array If get_only_sample is False, returns path of raster. If get_only_sample is True, returns array where each line is a pixel. dates : list List of integer Examples -------- >>> raster,dates = Sentinel2_3a_2018(return_dates=True) >>> print(raster) /mnt/bigone/lib/MuseoPheno/museopheno/datasets/2018_3A_Theia_Bouconne.tif >>> print(dates) [20180429, 20180513, 20180708, 20180815, 20180915, 20181015, 20181115] >>> Sentinel2_3a_2018(get_only_sample=True) Total number of blocks : 246 array([[ 122, 320, 109, ..., 2107, 1530, 751], [ 140, 370, 122, ..., 2107, 1530, 751], [ 148, 388, 117, ..., 2102, 1557, 761], ..., [ 167, 459, 195, ..., 2251, 1482, 664], [ 154, 470, 185, ..., 2251, 1482, 664], [ 184, 494, 213, ..., 2429, 1507, 670]], dtype=int16) References ----------- This dataset is built using level 3A Sentinel-2 month syntheses : """ raster = os.path.join(__pathFile, '2018_3A_Theia_Bouconne.tif') dates = [ 20180429, 20180513, 20180708, 20180815, 20180915, 20181015, 20181115] if return_random_sample is True: from museotoolbox.processing import RasterMath raster = RasterMath(raster).get_random_block() if return_dates: return raster, dates else: return raster