Source code for museopheno.time_series

#!/usr/bin/env python3
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# | |\/| | | | / __|/ _ \/ _ \  |  ___/| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \
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# @author:  Nicolas Karasiak
# @site:
# @git:
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The :mod:`museopheno.time_series` module gathers functions to compute expression and 
smooth time series.
import datetime as dt

import math
import numpy as np

from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import signal
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from scipy.optimize import minimize, Bounds

from museopheno.time_series import __dl as fun_dl # double logistic by M. Fauvel

import re

[docs]def get_phenology_metrics(X,sos=0.2,eos=0.8,min_from_year=False): """ Return indices of phenology metrics (start of season and end of season). Parameters ---------- X : array array can be two dimensions (a line per sample) sos : float, optional (default=0.2) Percentage (0.2 for 20%) of the season amplitude eos : float, optional (default=0.8) Percentage (0.8 for 80%) of the season amplitude min_from_year : bool, optional (default=False) If True, metrics thresolds will be computed using the min from the year If False, metrics thresolds will be computed using the min from the season (start or end). Returns ------- Array with as many lines as samples. First column is SOS index, second is EOS index. """ if X.ndim==2 and X.shape[0] != 1: feats = np.zeros((X.shape[0],2)) for feature in range(X.shape[0]): feat = PhenologyMetrics(X[feature,...],sos,eos,min_from_year=min_from_year) feats[feature,:] = feat.sos,feat.eos else: feat = PhenologyMetrics(X,sos,eos,min_from_year=min_from_year) feats = np.asarray([feat.sos,feat.eos]).reshape(-1,2) return feats
[docs]class PhenologyMetrics: """ Get phenology metrics from one feature. start of season, end of season, length of season and amplitude. Parameters ------------ X : array array (1 dim) sos : float, optional (default=0.2) Percentage (0.2 for 20%) of the season amplitude eos : float, optional (default=0.8) Percentage (0.8 for 80%) of the season amplitude min_from_year : bool, optional (default=False) If True, metrics thresolds will be computed using the min from the year If False, metrics thresolds will be computed using the min from the season (start or end). """
[docs] def __init__(self,X,sos=0.2,eos=0.8,min_from_year=False): # thresold self.sos_thresold = sos self.eos_thresold = eos # arg self._argmax = np.argmax(X) self._argmin_sos = np.argmin(X[...,:self._argmax]) self._argmin_eos = self._argmax+np.argmin(X[...,self._argmax:]) self._min_from_year = min_from_year """ if min_from_year is True: print('Warning : Be careful, this option is in development') """ # val self._min = np.amin((X[...,self._argmin_sos],X[...,self._argmin_eos])) self._max = X[...,self._argmax] # n_features stuck to 1 for the moment self.n_features = 1 if X.ndim ==2: if X.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError('only one feature at a time') self.X = X.flatten() self._get_sos() self._get_eos() self._get_los()
# self._get_amp() def _get_sos(self): if self._min_from_year: amp_sos = self.X[...,self._argmax]-self._min else: amp_sos = self.X[...,self._argmax]-self.X[...,self._argmin_sos] thresold = self.sos_thresold*amp_sos idx = self._argmin_sos+np.where(self.X[...,self._argmin_sos:self._argmax+1]>=self.X[...,self._argmin_sos]+thresold)[0][0] self.sos = idx def _get_eos(self): if self._min_from_year: amp_eos = self.X[...,self._argmax]-self._min else: amp_eos = self.X[...,self._argmax]-self.X[...,self._argmin_eos] thresold = (1-self.eos_thresold)*amp_eos idx = self._argmax+np.where(self.X[...,self._argmax:self._argmin_eos+1]<=self.X[...,self._argmax]-thresold)[0][0] self.eos = idx def _get_los(self): self.los = self.eos-self.sos
# def _get_amp(self): # self.amp = self.X[self._argmax]-np.min([self._argmin_eos,self._argmin_sos]) def _convert_band_to_array_idx(X, expression, n_comp, date, bands_order, condition=False, order_by='date', nodata=-9999): X = np.copy(X) # bandsToChange = re.findall('B[0-9]*',str(expression)) bandsToChange = re.findall('B[0-9]*[A-Z]*', str(expression)) out = np.zeros(X[:, 0].shape) out[:] = nodata for band in set(bandsToChange): # set to order band originalBand = band[1:] # to remove B while originalBand[0] == '0': originalBand = originalBand[1:] bandIdx = np.where(np.in1d(bands_order, originalBand) == True)[0] if order_by == 'date': newBand = n_comp * date + bandIdx elif order_by == 'band': newBand = bandIdx*date+n_comp if condition: condition = condition.replace(band, "X[:,{}]".format(newBand)) if isinstance(expression,list): expression = expression[0] expression = expression.replace(band, "X[:,{}]" .format(newBand)) if condition: TF = eval(condition).flatten() out[TF] = eval(expression)[TF].flatten() else: out = eval(expression) return out.flatten() def _are_bands_availables(bands_order, expression, compulsory=True): """ Check if band needed for expression are available Parameters ----------- bands_order : list list of bands (e.g. ['2','3','4','8']) expression : str expression (e.g. 'B08/B02*100') Examples --------- >>> _are_bands_availables(['2','3','4','8'],'B08/B02*100') True >>> _are_bands_availables(['2','3','4','8'],'B8A/B04*100') ValueError: Band ['B8A'] is missing. """ bandsToChange = re.findall('B[0-9]*[A-Z]*', str(expression)) bands_order_withoutB = [] for b in bands_order: if b.capitalize().startswith('B'): b = b[1:] while b[0] == '0': b = b[1:] bands_order_withoutB.append(str(b).capitalize()) missing_bands = [] for band in bandsToChange: band_withoutBand0 = band[1:] while str(band_withoutBand0).find('0') == 0: band_withoutBand0 = band_withoutBand0[1:] if str(band_withoutBand0).capitalize() in bands_order_withoutB: pass else: missing_bands.append(band) if len(missing_bands) > 0: if compulsory: if len(missing_bands) > 1: verb, s = ['are', 's'] else: verb, s = ['is', ''] raise ValueError( 'Band{} {} {} missing.'.format( s, missing_bands, verb)) else: return False else: return True
[docs]def expression_manager(X, bands_order, expression, interpolate_nan=True, divide_X_by=1, multiply_by=1, order_by='date', dtype=np.float32): """ Generate expression/index from an array according to a bands_order, and expression. The easiest way to use it is to choose a sensor from :class:`museopheno.sensors`. Parameters ---------- X : array. array where each line is a pixel. bands_order : list list of band order (e.g. ['2','3','4','8']) expression : str or dict. If str, contains only the expression (e.g. 'B8/B2') If dict, contains a expression key and can contain a condition key. See `museopheno.sensors.sensorManager.addIndice` function. inteprolate_nan : boolean, default True, optional. If nan value a linear interpolation is done. divide_X_by : integer or float, default 1, optional. Value to divide X before computing the indice multiply_by : integer or float, default 1, optional. Value to multiply the result (e.g. 100 to set the NDVI between -100 and 100) order_by : str, default 'date', optional. if 'date', means your raster is stacked in this way : B1, B2 to Bx for the first date, then B1,B2 to Bx for the second date... if 'band', means your raster is stacked in this way : B1 first date, B1 second date... to B1 last date, then B2 first date... dtype : numpy dtype, default np.float32, optional. dtype of the output (e.g. np.int16 to store the NDVI in integer value) Example -------- >>> from museopheno import datasets, expressionManager >>> X = datasets.Sentinel2_3a_2018(get_only_sample=True) >>> indices.generateIndice(X,bands_order=['2','3','4','8','5','6','7','8A','11','12'],expression='B4/B8') """ def _nan_helper(y): return np.isnan(y), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0] if X.ndim == 1: X = X.reshape(1, -1) X = X / divide_X_by nDates = X.shape[1] / len(bands_order) if nDates != int(X.shape[1] / len(bands_order)): raise ValueError( 'bands_order is not a multiple of the number of columns of your array which contains {} bands.'.format( X.shape[1])) else: n_comp = int(X.shape[1] / nDates) nDates = int(nDates) outIndice = np.zeros((X.shape[0], nDates), dtype=np.float64) if _are_bands_availables(bands_order, expression): for date in range(nDates): if isinstance(expression, str): mathExp = expression condition = False else: mathExp = expression['expression'] if 'condition' in expression.keys(): condition = expression['condition'] else: condition = False dateIndice = _convert_band_to_array_idx( X, mathExp, n_comp, date, bands_order, condition=condition, order_by=order_by) outIndice[:, date] = dateIndice if interpolate_nan: outIndice = np.where( np.logical_or( outIndice == np.inf, outIndice == - np.inf), np.nan, outIndice) for i in range(outIndice.shape[0]): nans, x = _nan_helper(outIndice[i, :]) if not np.all(nans == False): outIndice[i, nans] = np.interp( x(nans), x(~nans), outIndice[i, ~nans]) if multiply_by != 1: outIndice *= multiply_by if dtype: outIndice = outIndice.astype(dtype) return outIndice
[docs]class SmoothSignal:
[docs] def __init__(self, dates, bands_order=False, order_by='date', output_dates=False, fmt='%Y%m%d'): """ Smooth time series signal. Parameters ----------- dates : list list of dates. E.g. ['20180101','20180201'] bands_order : list, optional. order_by : str Default is 'date', 'band'. output_dates fmt : str, optional. Input format of dates. Default is '%Y%m%d', so '20181231' Example -------- >>> x = np.asarray([3.4825737, 4.27786 , 5.0373, 4.7196426, 4.1233397, 4.0338645,2.7735472]) >>> y = [20180429, 20180513, 20180708, 20180815, 20180915, 20181015, 20181115] >>> new_dates = generate_temporal_sampling(y[0],y[-1],10) # temporal sampling every 10 days >>> timeseries = SmoothSignal(dates=y,output_dates=new_dates) >>> timeseries.interpolation(x,kind='cubic') array([3.4825737 , 4.08649468, 4.516693 , 4.80103881, 4.96740226, 5.0436535 , 5.0576627 , 5.0373 , 5.00281393, 4.94396649, 4.84289809, 4.68186017, 4.46665263, 4.25561504, 4.11417114, 4.07489294, 4.07273781, 4.02461571, 3.84743661, 3.45811045, 2.7735472 ]) >>> timeseries.savitzski_golay(x) array([3.52581844, 3.96414587, 4.30156892, 4.49484286, 4.63045714, 4.76607143, 4.90168571, 4.96423055, 4.95370595, 4.87011189, 4.77926706, 4.65216832, 4.48881567, 4.30187759, 4.16911641, 4.09053213, 4.04814943, 3.88019043, 3.58665514, 3.18010117, 2.7735472 ]) """ self.bands_order = bands_order self.order_by = order_by # input dates self.init_dates = dates self.init_n_dates = len(dates) self.init_datetime = self.convert_to_datetime(dates, fmt=fmt) self.init_dates_int = self._convert_date_to_integer( self.init_datetime, fmt=fmt) self.init_doy = self.convert_to_doy(dates, fmt=fmt) # output dates if output_dates is False: output_dates = dates self.output_dates = output_dates self.output_n_dates = len(output_dates) self.output_doy = self.convert_to_doy(output_dates, fmt=fmt) self.output_datetime = self.convert_to_datetime(output_dates, fmt=fmt) self.output_dates_int = self._convert_date_to_integer( self.output_datetime, fmt=fmt, start_date = self.init_datetime[0]) # if temporal sampling is not the same in output if np.unique(np.diff(self.output_dates_int)).size != 1: raise Warning('Please be careful, the output dates have not the same delta. This could cause some problems.') else: self.output_deltadays = int(np.unique(np.diff(self.output_dates_int))) # delta self.output_dates_delta = self.output_dates_int[1]-self.output_dates_int[0]
def _get_time_series_position_per_band(self, X): """ Yields the time series for each band (all the B2, all the B8...) """ if self.bands_order is not False: if int(X.shape[1]/self.init_n_dates) != len(self.bands_order): raise ValueError('mismatch') for idx_band in range(len(self.bands_order)): if self.order_by == 'band': input_bands_position = [ idx_band*self.init_n_dates+d for d in range(self.init_n_dates)] output_bands_position = [ idx_band*self.output_n_dates+d for d in range(self.output_n_dates)] elif self.order_by == 'date': input_bands_position = [ idx_band+ len(self.bands_order) *d for d in range( len(self.init_dates) ) ] output_bands_position = [ idx_band+len(self.bands_order) *d for d in range( len(self.output_dates) ) ] yield input_bands_position, output_bands_position else: input_bands_position = np.arange(len(self.init_dates)) output_bands_position = np.arange(len(self.output_dates)) yield input_bands_position, output_bands_position def _resize_if_flatten(self, X): if X.ndim == 1: X = X.reshape(1, -1) return X def _get_empty_output_array(self, X): X = self._resize_if_flatten(X) if self.bands_order is not False: multiply_by = len(self.bands_order) else: multiply_by = 1 out_x = np.empty( (X.shape[0], len(self.output_dates)*multiply_by), X.dtype) self._resize_if_flatten(out_x) return out_x def _convert_date_to_integer(self, dates, fmt='%Y%m%d', convert_to_datetime=False, start_date=False): if convert_to_datetime: dates = self.convert_to_datetime(dates, fmt) if start_date: if convert_to_datetime: self.day0 = dt.datetime.strptime(str(start_date), fmt=fmt) else: self.day0 = start_date else: self.day0 = dates[0] dates_start_at_zero = [[date-self.day0][0].days for date in dates] return dates_start_at_zero
[docs] def int_to_datetime(self, dates): """ Convert list of int to datetime. Parameters ----------- dates : list List of int """ datetimes = [self.day0+ dt.timedelta(self.output_dates_int[0]) + ( dt.timedelta(i) * self.output_deltadays ) for i in dates] return datetimes
[docs] def convert_to_doy(self, dates, fmt='%Y%m%d'): """ Convert list of dates to Day Of Year (DOY) number. Parameters ----------- dates : list List of dates fmt : str Format type of each date """ return [dt.datetime.strptime(str(date), fmt).timetuple().tm_yday for date in dates]
[docs] def convert_to_datetime(self, dates, fmt='%Y%m%d'): """ Convert list of dates to a list of dates with datetime type. Parameters ----------- dates : list List of dates fmt : str Format type of each date """ return [dt.datetime.strptime(str(date), fmt) for date in dates]
[docs] def double_logistic(self, X, kind='cubic', interpolation_params={}): """ Generate a double logistic curve similar to those of the MODIS phenology product. Parameters ------------ X : array_like A N-D array of real values. The length of y along the interpolation axis must be equal to the length of dates. kind : str, default 'linear' Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next', where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third order; 'previous' and 'next' simply return the previous or next value of the point) or as an integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. Default is 'linear'. """ x = self._get_empty_output_array(X) X = self._resize_if_flatten(X) if X.ndim == 2: if X.shape[-1] != self.output_dates_int: X = self.interpolation(X,kind=kind,**interpolation_params) else: raise ValueError('X array must be of shape [2,-1].') params = np.asarray([0.0, 1.0, 75.0, 8.0, 250.0, 1.0])+ 10*np.random.rand(6) for n_row in range(X.shape[0]): increase_max = 100 solver = fun_dl.minimize(fun_dl.cost_function, params, args=(np.asarray(self.output_dates_int), X[n_row,:]), method='L-BFGS-B', jac=fun_dl.cost_function_grad, options={'gtol': 1e-10, 'ftol': 1e-10, 'maxiter':increase_max, 'maxcor':increase_max, 'maxfun':increase_max, 'maxls':1000}) x[n_row,:] = fun_dl.double_logistique(solver.x, np.asarray(self.output_dates_int)) return x
[docs] def interpolation(self, X, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate', **params): """ Based on :class:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` Parameters ----------- X : array_like A N-D array of real values. The length of y along the interpolation axis must be equal to the length of dates. kind : str, default 'linear' Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next', where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third order; 'previous' and 'next' simply return the previous or next value of the point) or as an integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. Default is 'linear'. fill_value : str, default 'extrapolate' Extrapolate References ---------- :class:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` """ x = self._get_empty_output_array(X) X = self._resize_if_flatten(X) for in_band, out_band in self._get_time_series_position_per_band(X): tmp = interpolate.interp1d( self.init_dates_int, X[:, in_band], kind=kind, **params) x[:, out_band] = self._resize_if_flatten(tmp(self.output_dates_int)) return (x)
[docs] def iterative_median(self, X, window_length=3, interpolation_params={}, **params): """ Savitzski golay Based on :class:`scipy.signal.median_filter` References ---------- :class:`scipy.signal.savgol_filter` """ x = self._get_empty_output_array(X) X = self._resize_if_flatten(X) for in_band, out_band in self._get_time_series_position_per_band(X): tmp = interpolate.interp1d( self.init_dates_int, X[:, in_band], **interpolation_params) x[:, out_band] = self._resize_if_flatten(median_filter( tmp(self.output_dates_int), size = window_length)) return x
[docs] def savitzski_golay(self, X, window_length=3, polyorder=1, interpolation_params={}, **params): """ Savitzski golay Based on :class:`scipy.signal.savgol_filter` References ---------- :class:`scipy.signal.savgol_filter` """ x = self._get_empty_output_array(X) X = self._resize_if_flatten(X) for in_band, out_band in self._get_time_series_position_per_band(X): tmp = interpolate.interp1d( self.init_dates_int, X[:, in_band], **interpolation_params) x[:, out_band] = self._resize_if_flatten(signal.savgol_filter( tmp(self.output_dates_int), window_length, polyorder, **params)) return x
[docs]def generate_temporal_sampling(start_date, last_date, day_interval=5, save_csv=False, fmt='%Y%m%d'): """ Generate a custom temporal sampling for Satellite Image Time Series. Parameters ---------- start_date : int, default False. If specified, format (YYYYMMDD). last_date : int, default False. If specified, format (YYYYMMDD). day_interval : int, default 5 Integer, days delta to between each date. save_csv : False or str. If str, path to save the csv. fmt : str, default '%Y%m%d' Format type of the input dates. Default: '%Y%m%d' (e.g. 20181230) Example ------- >>> generateTemporalSampling(20181203,20190326,day_interval=5) array([20181203, 20181208, 20181213, 20181218, 20181223, 20181228, 20190102, 20190107, 20190112, 20190117, 20190122, 20190127, 20190201, 20190206, 20190211, 20190216, 20190221, 20190226, 20190303, 20190308, 20190313, 20190318, 20190323, 20190328]) >>> generateTemporalSampling('2018-03-12','2019-26-03',day_interval=15,fmt='%Y-%d-%m') array([20181203, 20181218, 20190102, 20190117, 20190201, 20190216, 20190303, 20190318, 20190402]) >>> generateTemporalSampling('2018-03-12','2019-26-03',day_interval=15,fmt='%Y-%d-%m',save_csv='/tmp/AcquisitionDates.csv') >>> np.loadtxt('/tmp/AcquisitionDates.csv',dtype=int) array([20181203, 20181218, 20190102, 20190117, 20190201, 20190216, 20190303, 20190318, 20190402]) """ if isinstance(start_date, int): start_date = str(start_date) if isinstance(last_date, int): last_date = str(last_date) start_date = dt.datetime.strptime(start_date, fmt) last_date = dt.datetime.strptime(last_date, fmt) custom_acquisition_dates = [start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')] newDate = start_date while newDate < last_date: newDate = newDate + dt.timedelta(day_interval) custom_acquisition_dates.append(newDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')) if save_csv: np.savetxt(save_csv, np.asarray( custom_acquisition_dates,, fmt='%d') else: return np.asarray(custom_acquisition_dates,