
class museopheno.time_series.SmoothSignal(dates, bands_order=False, order_by='date', output_dates=False, fmt='%Y%m%d')[source]

Smooth time series signal.

  • dates (list) – list of dates. E.g. [‘20180101’,’20180201’]

  • bands_order (list, optional.) –

  • order_by (str) – Default is ‘date’, ‘band’.

  • output_dates

  • fmt (str, optional.) – Input format of dates. Default is ‘%Y%m%d’, so ‘20181231’


>>> x = np.asarray([3.4825737, 4.27786  , 5.0373, 4.7196426, 4.1233397, 4.0338645,2.7735472])
>>> y = [20180429, 20180513, 20180708, 20180815, 20180915, 20181015, 20181115]
>>> new_dates = generate_temporal_sampling(y[0],y[-1],10) # temporal sampling every 10 days
>>> timeseries = SmoothSignal(dates=y,output_dates=new_dates)
>>> timeseries.interpolation(x,kind='cubic')
array([3.4825737 , 4.08649468, 4.516693  , 4.80103881, 4.96740226,
   5.0436535 , 5.0576627 , 5.0373    , 5.00281393, 4.94396649,
   4.84289809, 4.68186017, 4.46665263, 4.25561504, 4.11417114,
   4.07489294, 4.07273781, 4.02461571, 3.84743661, 3.45811045,
   2.7735472 ])
>>> timeseries.savitzski_golay(x)
array([3.52581844, 3.96414587, 4.30156892, 4.49484286, 4.63045714,
   4.76607143, 4.90168571, 4.96423055, 4.95370595, 4.87011189,
   4.77926706, 4.65216832, 4.48881567, 4.30187759, 4.16911641,
   4.09053213, 4.04814943, 3.88019043, 3.58665514, 3.18010117,
   2.7735472 ])


__init__(dates[, bands_order, order_by, …])

Smooth time series signal.

convert_to_datetime(dates[, fmt])

Convert list of dates to a list of dates with datetime type.

convert_to_doy(dates[, fmt])

Convert list of dates to Day Of Year (DOY) number.

double_logistic(X[, kind, interpolation_params])

Generate a double logistic curve similar to those of the MODIS phenology product.


Convert list of int to datetime.

interpolation(X[, kind, fill_value])

Based on scipy.interpolate.interp1d

iterative_median(X[, window_length, …])

Savitzski golay Based on scipy.signal.median_filter

savitzski_golay(X[, window_length, …])

Savitzski golay Based on scipy.signal.savgol_filter